Basement decluttering before- Upper Marlboro, MD
Project completed in two, two-hour sessions. LDPO customer assisted with the process. Customer did a very good job identifying items to keep, donate and discard.- August 2022
Basement room- Upper Marlboro, MD
Right side basement room entrance- before.
Basement room- Upper Marlboro, MD
Left side basement room entrance- before.
Basement decluttering after- Upper Marlboro, MD
Items kept were packed and stored accordingly. Many items were discarded and picked up by bulk trash, other items were donated.
Basement room- Upper Marlboro, MD
Right side basement room entrance- after.
Basement room- Upper Marlboro, MD
Left side basement room entrance- after.
Young Adult Bedroom- Upper Marlboro, MD
Student returned home after living away to attend college. Student needed to condense necessary personal items into one bedroom and closet. Minimal decluttering needed; five drawer dressers added for small clothing items to free up space in the closet. Queen size bed was lifted off the floor, therefore allowing space for boxed storage. Winter boots were stored in a long storage bin and slide underneath the bed. - October 2022
Closet- Clothing items were reorganized, with least worn items in the back or the closet and most worn items in middle and front of the closet. Top shelf used for shoes worn often. Hair supplies stored in white four drawer storage unit. LDPO worked with student to reuse items already in the bedroom to keep down cost, although a dresser was purchased.
Bed- Floor around the bed was cleared of clothing by sorting, folding, hanging and placing some items in the dresser drawer for better organization and to keep the floor clear to avoid falls and being unable to distinguish clean laundry from dirty laundry.
Transitional Package- Multiple Sessions
This project was two parts declutter and organizing job. Retired customer is downsizing for a major move to live with her daughter and son-in-law. Some items were discarded and were unable to be salvaged. This session required a pickup and haul away, arranged by the customer's daughter.
Transitional Package- Washington, DC
- March 2023
Retired customer of over forty years planning to downsize and move out of her Northwest, Washington, DC condo after over forty years, to live with her daughter and son-in-law.
Customer's daughter reached out to LDPO, to ask that her mother be assisted with decluttering the entire condo. LDPO worked collaboratively with the customer to go through her many treasures in her kitchen and identify what could be kept, discarded or donated.
Kitchen Countertops- LDPO worked with retired customer to remove all items from her countertops to identify which could be kept or discarded. Customer opted to keep her appliances; therefore, they were cleaned and strategically placed back on the countertops.
Retired customer completed the project with LDPO organizer, although not required. This project will require another visit to go through the cabinets, discard outdated seasonings, other food items, remove dishes and glasses, wipe out cabinets, wash dishes she plans to keep and store them back in the cabinets.
Before and After- Bedroom and Closet Decluttering and Organizing Project
Project Completed- June 2023
Springfield, VA
Before and After- Bedroom and Closet Decluttering and Organizing Project
Northwest Washington, DC- July 2023
Laundry Room Reorganizing- Project- Birmingham, AL
August 2023
Laundry Room After